Sunday, September 17, 2006


Okay I have managed to land two days substituting, and I hope more, but for now, that is all I can do. I have been working on a blanket using up all of my scrap eyelash yarns, and some other acrylic yarns, (*gasp!*). My kids seem to love it. It is furry, and it looks like sesame street was ground up and woven into something, but I call it the monster pelt. I have been trying to keep busy, and so far I am succeeding, but I did not get to go to Kentucky the other night like I wanted to. I am still poor. I am really counting on getting this state job, and if I do I will be so thankful. I would even be able to pay someone to watch my kids so that I could go to church, speaking of which, I need to make a little girl sweater for my pastor and his wife's child. His wife is my friend Theresa, whom I know and love and miss. I really am getting back in touch with a lot of people that I know back in my home town, and I have to go the high school reunion next year. I have to lose 30 pounds or I am not going. Kidding, I am definitely going. I can't wait;-) I was listening to my tape of the Dixie Chicks, which I have just found after about three years, and the tape broke. It came off of the little round thing on one end, so now I can't listen to it anymore. I must buy a CD. I also got to see a couple of little cousins the other day, and I must say that my cousins little girl and my little girl look a lot alike. I think my daughter looks more like my side of the family that my X's, but I am sure he would never agree. I also made chocolate devils' food cake. good.

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