Friday, November 30, 2018

Warming Hearts

I love this time of year, not the weather but yes the fact that I can wear sweaters and make hats and gloves for everyone and we are all happy about it... I made my husband a new hoodie and I have myself a new hat from yarn that was purchased in France on my last trip. (See previous post). I will be publishing the new pattern to Ravelry. I think this one will be for purchase. I would love to quit my job and do knitterly things for days unending. I have found so much inspiration this year for so many projects. But I think that may be because I feel better. I recently had surgery for endometriosis and am really quite happy with the outcome. I have request from people to make some baby hats, they are always so fun and cute. I am really trying to stay positive. I have been really stressed out this year, and with not feeling that great I think it just made things worse for me. How do you spend Fall/Christmas time trying to stay upbeat? What are some of your tricks or activities/hobbies that you use to keep yourself busy? The dogs are good, kids are rebellious but teenagers, so I guess that is expected. Husband is happy. Pictures of projects are included.