Sunday, September 24, 2006

Prarie State Park.

My aunt happens to be a park ranger at Prarie State Park. There are prarie chickens, and buffalo, and plants,a nd bugs, and such. Over the weekend, the park had an event and people came from around the area to see pioneer people doing what people used to do. There was dutch oven cooking, and music playing, brain tanning, stantic throwing, and games, such as the throwing of buffalo chips for a prize of $1,000. (I think.) There ware people dressed in old fashioed clothing, and wood fires every where, but there was no fiber craft, no quilts, no afghans, no nothing, only one woman was wearing a shawl and it was not even knitted or crocheted. It was store bought and looked like somone popped the whole thing off of a knit-wit. I was dissappointed, but when I asked my aunt why they did not have someone spinning up the buffalo hair for the evnet, she said she was lucky to have what she got. So, I think that the next time they have the event I would like to talk to her about setting up a spinning wheel, and maybe a loom, and have someone kinning, someone crocheting, tatting, and quilting with examples of each of them. I did not want to poke at a sore spot, but I was curious. But, if there was a way to get the buffalo wool, I would love to learn how to spin, first though I need to get a spinning wheel.

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