Thursday, February 01, 2007

I'm really doing it!

I have never done cables like this folks, but it really is easy, I just don't get a lot of time to work on it. I have three other projects going, and I need to finish a pair of gloves for my Dad. But, here is my progress thus far. I have been cleaning, and taking care of my sick little boy, and then tomorrow I get to take my daughter to the doctor for her three year check a preliminary request of the neurologist. We think there may be something wrong with my daughter, she has trouble listening, and she doesn't answer questions coherently, and there are several other things that worry me, but one of the biggest is that she did not used to have these problems....and we don't know why she is having problems with things that she did not have problems with before. It's very strange, I had asked the doctor about the possibility that something went awry when she had her tonsilectomy, and they said that it could have been possible for her to have a stroke or seizure and no one would have known. I have been asking the doctor about these strange behaviors for a while now (months), and if I find out that it was a stoke or seizure I will be upset, because now the damage will be irreversible. They kept telling there was nothing to worry about...but now they are worried too.

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