Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Baby Blanket in the Making

I have been working on a baby blanket while at work, and I have recently cleaned out a lot of my extra desk stuff, as I am not sure how much longer I will be with AT&T. I have been there for almost 10 years, and would ordinarily be proud of that, but recently I am not doing customer service for business accounts, but sales. I am so bad at it. I do not have the gall/gumption/cahones, to pressure people into getting extra phone lines, buying extra equipment or adding extra features that they did not request, but to proactively ask them are you in need of any extra lines, new tablets, phones, etc. I feel a lot of the time that because they usually call me over billing that they are not looking to add to the bill, but SAVE. And the guilt, let me tell you, if I were to over price a mom and pop small business out of their cellphone bill because I told them that they needed something that they most likely don't, as they have gotten along just fine without it so far, I would not forgive myself. A LOT of our customers can't read their own bill, let alone understand what some of the things we offer do, or would do for them, or ways to be inventive with said products. Not because they are incapable, but because they are limited by experience. When I took my job 10 years ago I was promised that there would be no sales. And yet, here we are, and I abhor my job. I would never just quit a job, I have too many responsibilities. So, back to the knitting. Pink, girly and no destination. It's really soft, the Pom Poms are built into the yarn, and I am working on size 7 needles. It's close to a dk weight yarn, but just big enough to work in this blanket.
I have to admit that taking my daughter to the therapist gives me an opportunity to relax as well. Since I am not allowed in the room:-/

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