Friday, July 28, 2017


Recently, I have been taking a class that is needed to reactivate my teachers certification, and guess what? I was doing great. Until I screwed it up. ADHD is not all it's cracked up to be. I did not have anyone to show me or to explain to me how Blackboard works other than my long time best friend Nicole who took another job right after I started again at the University. She showed me how to get to the discussion board from my iPad. I have failed to go the extra mile folks. I should have done more to figure out WHY I could not do or check certain things in Blackboard. I emailed my instructor, and never received a response, I wrote her on the Blackboard and never received a response, some of my posts in the discussions apparently never carried through. I lost points here and there for things. I should have been more adamant. I could not even upload a word document, after the first one, no matter how it was saved, had to transition everything to Power Point. Why? I don't know, I never got an answer from ANYONE. The Blackboard folks did not help when I tried to contact them. I feel so lost. As I said I was doing good, or so I thought until I missed a notification that was not there the first time I logged in this week. Why? I don't know, I do know that my computer was having trouble, kept saying it was going to update, (yet again). Windows 10 and Edge/Explorer and Blackboard I am afraid may not be compatible. I was trying to use it instead of my iPad, because I thought I was helping myself. I was wrong. So, because I missed the notification I did not know that I had half the time to turn in the assignment, the FINAL assignment. file:///C:/Users/Family/OneDrive/Unit%208%20Lesson%20Plan%207.28.17.pdf Here it is, please feel free to use in the classroom and modify as needed. The lesson plan is the first half, where it starts getting to Units you may not need for the classroom, however there are some pretty good links. No knitting posts right now, sorry folks. Too much stuff going on. If anyone has any advice for a boy with a stealing problem, and a step mom that apparently encourages him,(she actually said it was very smart) on how to 1. not hurt anyone, and two make sure that he understands that he should QUIT and stop listening to her. 2. I need advice about the oldest's therapist, I feel like she is too unconventional, and she has sidetracked what is supposed to be accomplished by helping someone who is clinically depressed, and yet also autistic, which in my fear gives her more determination. 3. give me patience to go tag another vehicle, it is almost the last day of the month and I took the day off, and am still about to have a nervous breakdown. 4. pray that I accept how foolish I have been. I hope the link works, the computer wasn't saving any files this morning. Not sure if it worked.

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