Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Warm Feet for a Cold Snap

Ok, so I mentioned that I was working on a pair of socks for the hubs, and I have to admit the lighting in the Kia dealership while I get my car locks fixed is amazing, just look at the color in the photo. I started these socks thinking that they would be just as quick as the socks from the Home Knits book. They are not. These socks come from the book Knits Men Want by Bruce Weinstein. I really like the concept and the design of the book, it truly allows you to use almost any yarn that you have laying around, and make something out of it. I am using a worsted weight yarn and size 7 needles and using the size 10 pattern I believe, because my hubs has fairly wide feet. This pattern is taking a lot longer to do than the aforementioned comparison socks, but they are really turning out great. Anyhow without further ado, here is my progress.
Just as a side note, the work that went into this book is surely beyond comprehension unless you are familiar with pattern writing. Good job to the folks and test knitters involved, I have but one suggestion. You should remind people to photocopy the pattern they are going to use and then write the size they want at the top of the page along with the details of the yarn and needles and the gauge. Then they should go through and underline or circle and or highlight the dimensions that they are creating to. This will help save time, I did not do that, this is the first item I am making from the book, and thought I would work directly from it. I have LOTS of sticky notes my friends. I have sticky notes that I have to move to keep knitting throughout the pattern, please learn from my mistakes. LOL.

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