Sunday, October 22, 2006


I thought it had been several weeks since I had posted. But it has been only 8 days. I have been so busy with job hunting, I have not had the best of luck lately. I have been hearing that I am over qualified. And I am pretty much, but that does not mean that I do not have bills to pay. Anyhoo, I went to the local Jo-Ann's the other day and I saw some yarn that I knew would be perfect for some sweaters for my two babies. Check it out.

I just love it, it is a superwash yarn which is super important for kids, and I bought it for $1.50 a ball, and it is softer that a thick bath towel. I can not wait to knit this up and put it on my kids. Every time my son sees it he throws a fit because he can't keep it and it is so soft. Well, I am getting ready to take a nice hot bath and do some feminine primping, (eyebrows, legs, etc.) So, I will get off of here to go torture myself. Type at you later;)

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