Thursday, March 02, 2006

No Knittin' Content....

Okay, I am going to rant a little bit, the children in my house have been sick for a couple of weeks, just when they were getting over everything, they went to the doctor and picked up another virus from the doctor office. I have been busy, and tomorrow my daughter gets her tonsils taken out. Well, I am a director of a daycare center, and today we had a staff meeting. That means I am at work. I was not home to answer the phone about my daughter's surgery. No, I do not want forty people there, but am I avoiding telling them? No. They accused me in a message left at the house while I was at work of avoiding them. Am I avoiding the whole lot of them.......Seriously thinking about it But they sure do know how to upset a person though. Okay I feel better. I should have a picture to post tomorrow with my new camera, of the placket sweater from last minute knitted gifts.

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