Friday, March 03, 2006

I have been knitting, I promise, just trust me.

We returned home safely today from the hospital after my daughters' tonsilectomy. Sometimes I am glad I am a pack rat. I did not have to go to the pharmacy because I had the medicine that they prescribed for pain already in the cabinet from an ear infection last fall. I did not get to knit at the hospital the way I thought I would, the whole thing took all of about 40 minutes, surgery and recovery together. I first went to get something to eat. I did not eat this morning because I did not think it would be fair to a two year old that she could not have any of the food in the kitchen. So, I waited 'til the last minute and got her up and gave her a bath and off we went after getting the baby together as well. It did not affect her at all, she was up screaming and yelling and having a good ol' time two hours later. Her appetite increased I think. She had a plate of macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and some other stuff, and then she had a cheeseburger, and then she had another plate of macaroni and cheese, and sweet potatoes, and asparagus. Believe it or not, the asparagus is always the first thing to be eaten. So, as follows are some gratuitous pics of my babies....or maybe not, for the past two days, I have been having problems uploading my photos to blogger, I don't know why, but for now, no photos I guess.

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