Friday, February 07, 2020

Life, do you have it under control?

Ever think that life is just a thing that you’re doing and trying to finish one day at a time. Well, it is. I know everyone has their own mantra, or ideas, about life and are trying to figure it out. I haven’t. Not by any means. Today I am making one of the hardest trips I have ever made. My dad isn’t well and he has called us home. Now I have no idea what that means, except he want us to have the things that he holds dear and wants us to cherish as well. He gave me a pocket knife once, years ago, told me that he knew I would take care of it, it’s been handed down for years and years in our family. I admit, I am afraid to sharpen it, I don’t want to lose any of the blade that isn’t necessary but make sure that it is well kept. How can you look forward to something like this? With the strength of God I intend to do as I am told, and hope that there is little to no argument with anyone. I will be glad to see my dad, I just wish it was better circumstances. Enjoy every day, love as much as you can. Hate less than anyone would believe possible and remember time is precious, don’t forget to make your moments count. Live for the moments you can’t put into words.

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