Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Worked to death...

I will be worked to death someday, but today I took the day off. I made dijon chicken for dinner, and argued till I was blue in the face with my son over trying a bite of creamed corn. I have been working on a shrug for myself and soon will need to make a sweater for my son, it his his year to pick what he would like. We even went to the dentist today and had fairly good news. I wondered how it would go. Apparently I clench my teeth, shocker. I tend to internalize things sometimes...but don't we all? I have so many things that I would like to do and there really is not enough time to do them. Pictures to hang, decorations to make, furntiture to build, why don't I have drive for me. I have been pretty busy helping a friend with her new house from habitat for humanity. I even volunteered some hours to a house build. I need self help. I am going to make myself a list and see what I can accomplish. Pictures. Wallhangings. Halltree. Dresser. Chair. Footstool. oh wh am I kidding? Pool here I come.

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