Wednesday, April 11, 2012

House Warming

Wow, what a unique and difficult process, I never thought that buying a house and renovating would end up driving everyone to distraction. I really like my house, and am not exactly done doing things to it. I still have not finished the bathroom, (mostly paint). And I purchased some things to hang in the kitchen and they arrived today, yay. But I also still have several small projects to do, and shall get done at some point. And then the biggest job of all, I would like to renovate the back room and make it into a bathroom, rustic style, vintage. For some reason I seem to like things calm, peacefull, and classic. I like to sit outside in the sun and let the day pass, playing with the kids in the water or whatever. I hope to plant some pretty things and have a nice yard. So much to do, and so little time! I welcome visitors though, but do pardon my slow progress, lol.

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