Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I live in Joplin, which was listed on my profile, I feel lost, I am not sure what happened to my memories, but I drive across town and wonder where the ghosts of my past have disappeared to. There is little left of St. Mary's a private school that was kind enough to give me scholarship when I was 9. I loved that school, and I even liked singing at mass. I even used to go to the school booksale after I returned to Missouri at 18 just to visit, and support the school. The place I spent by big 30th birthday was at J-Town, recently renovated to the new Salvation Army, and even more recently destroyed. I have so many memories tied up in the rubble, the daycare my children went to on Moffet, was the same one I attended at their age. All of the buildings are destroyed, wiped away by the tornado. I miss my memories, and the way they made me feel. Now every time I leave home I wonder if it will be there when I return or what will happen while I am gone. I am forever blessed by not having lost anything myself in the storm, and full of guilt as well. My only consolation is that I know others feel the same, wanting to help and hoping those that had people things taken from them will somehow be whole again.

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