Saturday, February 19, 2011

Baby Basket Beret

Baby Basket Beret:
By Stephanie Kuhler

Worsted weight yarn, ( I chose Vanna’s Choice)
Size 6 and 8 dpn’s
Hat Pattern:
Using size 6 needles and worsted weight yarn:
CO 66sts
Join for working in the round being careful not to twist.
Rows 1-8: k1, p1, repeat all the way around for 8 rounds, totaling 1 in.
Switch to size 8 needles:
Rows 9-12: k3, p3, repeat all of the way around for 4 rounds
Row 13: *p3, inc(1), k3, inc(1) repeat from * all of the way around
Rows 14-16: p4, k4, repeat all of the way around
Rows 17-21: k4, p4, repeat all of the way around
Rows 22-26: p4, k4, repeat all of the way around
Rows 27-31: k4, p4, repeat all of the way around
Rows 32-35: p4, k4, repeat all of the way around
Row 36: decrease round, *p2, p2tog, k2, k2tog, repeat from * all of the way around
Row 37-40: k3, p3, repeat all of the way around
Row 41: decrease round, p1, p2tog, k1, k2tog, repeat all of the way around
Row 42-43: p2, k2, repeat all of the way around (44sts total)
Row 44: k2tog, p2tog, repeat all of the way around
Rows 45-46: k1, p1, repeat all of the way around (22sts total)
Last Row: k2tog all of the way around (11sts total)
Cut yarn about 6 in from needles, weave through live stitches, and weave in ends.
Flower Center:
Using size 8 needles and worsted weight yarn:
CO 3sts
Row 1: k1f&b, k1, k1f&b
Row 2: knit 1 row
Row 3: k1f&b, k3, k1f&b
Rows 4-10: knit (7sts total)
Row 11: k2tog, k3, k2tog
Row 12: knit 1 row
Row 13: k2tog, k1, k2tog
Row 14: bind off
CO 1 stitch
Row 1: k1f&b
Row 2: k1, k1f&b
Row 3: k1f&b, k2
Row 4: k3, k1f&b
Row 5: k1f&b, k4
Row 6: k4, k2tog
Row 7: k2tog, k3
Row 8: k2, k2tog
Row 9: k2tog, k1
Repeat from row 2, 5 times, creating a total of 6 petals, sew the petals around to the flower center and then sew the flower to the hat, making sure to weave in all ends.

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