Friday, April 13, 2007

Think Pink...

My little girl certainly does. I bought this yarn because it had her name all over it. It was clearanced out at $1.00 a ball. I bought five, and I am using a pattern from Big Needle Knits. I am using the pattern short round necked cardigan, and I am adapting it to fit my daughter who currently wears size 4 clothing. So far it has been fairly easy, I am sure it will get trickier around the armhole shaping. I am using size 13 needles and it looks pretty good. The most time consuming part is every now and then I stop and pull out all of those little lashes to the outside of the fabric. Still it is a fast knit, when I work on it. I only have a couple hours in it at this point and think the whole thing may take 5 hours more to finish, if I can do a knitathon.
You know, I did not realize it had been so long since I posted last. I have been terribly busy most days with job stuff. The school career center is driving me nuts. I keep giving reference forms to people that could write good references for me, and so far the only one that has made it into my file was hand delivered. How can they lose so many letters? I am getting pretty irritated, because when I found out they were missing, I asked them to hold a request for my credentials and I would get new letters.....They sent a potential employer a half empty credential packet. Now I am screwed, she says "I am sorry, if there had been a hold on it we wouldn't have sent it out." I said "There was a hold." She says "Oh." Is she going to try to help me? No. She says she doesn't know what happened and that she needs to go. What am I supposed to do? That was the best job offer I had close to home. I guess now I have no other choice because they are not going to cooperate. I am going to have to talk to someone about this. I need a job, and they are crippling my chances of getting something good. I want to know how many other half empty credential files they have sent out to potential jobs. Ridiculous. Oh well, I guess Monday I have a new mission in life. Or at least temporarily.
Anyhow, I have a lot of knitting to do yet:
1. Angelina
2. Dad's gloves
3. Ahava's sweater
4. Pringle sweater
5. socks?
okay okay, I'm going.....

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