Sunday, July 02, 2006

blue period

I have proof that I have been busy on something blue. It is a baby blanket for my son. I made one for my daughter, and this is late, but almost done. My son is now 10 months old, but when I had my daughter, I was not working and I had no other child running around to keep me busy. Anyhow, it is now technically the month of violet and purple. I am torn between the Simply Marylin sweater by Debbie Bliss and the Salt Peanuts sweater by ? I think it might be Veronique Avery.
Oh, man, on a personal note, I have been having one hell of a time at work, I even missed two days becuse they would not give me my check, she didn't have enough money to pay me. I had bills to pay, and when the bank would not cash my four day late payroll check, the car I was driving broke down, my son was sick, and I thought the world was conspiring against me. Until, that is, the girls from work called me and came over to my house, and we drank wine and had a gripe session about work. We like our jobs, the details are the only thing that bothers us. And so I have less progress than I thought because that was Friday evening and the girls were here until 3:40 AM. I should be finished tomorrow or later today, I would like to add a border as well to complete the look, so we will see how it goes.

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