Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Ok, so I know that we have all found yarn that we want to make something beautiful with, and some times it is for some one specific. I found a yarn like that and I searched for months for the perfect pattern for socks. I thought I found it and I have started but guess what? I don't like the ribbing. It's not personal, it's just me I suppose, when I hold the ribbing up to the light it's super holy. How is that going to hold warmth? I have changed the rest of the pattern going forward to regular knit stitched instead of twisted stitches, thus alleviating the holy issues. See my progress thus far; posted for visual, you can kind of see through it without stretching. Please let me know what you do when you find something that you do not like, can you continue? Do you have to change it? Do you continue on blindly hoping for the sake of the project that it will work itself out, or block out? Let me know in the comments section below.

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