Saturday, April 07, 2018

Selfishness lol

So I have decided to finish something that I started years ago, the Dollar and a Half Cardigan by Veronik Avery. I started this sweater in 2012 and it has traveled most of the United States. I pick it up when I travel and then forget about it for more pressing matters. My bestie declared when I started it that it would never get finished, she knows me well. I do not like making things that are asymmetrical. But I have made the back and both sleeves and I have cast on for the front and making good progress, which is giving me new confidence. So, here is a photo, hoping to have it done before going to France and getting some pictures taken in it. I used Bernat Satin yarn, polyester I believe, but it has a nice sheen to it and it will wear for a long time. AND it's washable, and in my house that is a basic requirement. Even though I have no toddlers, I still have two hairy children, (our dogs), and they jump all over me all the time, clean or muddy.

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