Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Accomplishments and Credit

So while I am quietly posting from Starbucks and wishing that my company was better about their FMLA and family policy I am quietly calming down while nursing a Toasted White Chocolate Mocha, it is delicious and at the very least inviting. I have been so stressed at my job and my house. There are not enough hours in the day. I have too many things going on. I have dresses to sew on that I wanted to not sew on. I have been knitting like Mad and have made several hats, I have been posting pictures, but did not give credit to some of the pattern here we go. The pink hat in the bottom right corner is the Capitan hat from Ravelry The hat in red to the left, a beret/disc, is the Diamond Cap by Classic Elite Yarns, the hat in the middle row on the left is the chemo cap pattern The Snow Queen from the one just to the right is also a variation of The Snow Queen pattern. The hat in the top middle is From Wendy Squires, pattern name La Boutique, on, a wonderfully easy yet complicated looking design, reminds me of a quilted wedding ring pattern. The pink hat top right is a variation of the pattern Chunky Dean Street Hat by Nina Machlin Dayton, I don't actually remember where I downloaded the pattern from, so Google will be your friend here, I could not remember when to twist my stitches, so just kept extending the rows every time , also it saved me on time. I need to finish 6 hats between now and Staurday. Wish me luck. As soon as I am done with these I am going to do a project on Facebook Hooks and Purls page...not sure what to do yet. I would like everyone to know I tried to hyperlink the urls and webpages but for some reason it was not accepting the html. I am sorry there are no direct links from here, please copy and past the urls into the bar at the top. Until next time, thanks for looking in on me. Chat with you later.

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