Sunday, January 08, 2012

Oh the holidays...

So we have once again made it past that time of year when it seems that most of us are in some kind of marathon to create the most knitted gifts of anyone we know, or just trying to overwork ourselves... I made some hats for the military, and I made house socks for my grandmother. A hat and scarf were mafe for Heather, as a secret Santa exchange. Almost done with the house socks for my grandfather. And there were some filler items as well, and new requests. My nephew liked my sons slippers and he requested that I make him a pair in lime green and black, so now I need to find linme green wool. Black is easy... I mase a sweater vest the other day, and I pretty much hate it. It is not flattering at all, and I am sure that I may either give it away or redesign it, not sure yet. But below are some pics of completed items.

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