Sunday, October 04, 2020

Sweater Weather - Amid Crisis

When last I posted, I had lost my dad. Not much after I returned to work, I was sent home. Corona Virus made everyone take shelter. I was told to hunker down at home with my husband, four kids and two dogs. I have not accomplished a lot in my mind. I felt like I was contributing to the war effort in olden times, cooking, what seemed like all day some days, and cleaning, and trying to keep kids entertained, and engaged. As well as sewing in all my spare time. If I never sew another mask I might be ok with it. Unless someone needs them, then I will make them gladly. Election is coming up and people are meaner than ever. I have never been one to argue, but I don't take well to people telling me how I need to vote and if I don't vote the same as them I am, well, a lot of things that are not true. Both sides have things I disagree with, and now Libertarian party is making an upswing. Could we knit them all hats for HatNotHate? I digress, I am working on a gray sweater, much like my mood, warm but gray, not attractive, yet still comfortable. It's from Yarnspirations, the pattern is free, "Caron Adult Knit Crew Pullover" and the yarn is from JoAnns, (with four kids I am on a budget lol). Feel free to drop a line, or post a response in how you are handling yourself during these trying times?

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